A view down across the pond (Photo: Peter Sidell)

Momiji-yama Garden, Shizuoka

A tranquil, exquisitely beautiful traditional garden

Peter Sidell   - ใช้เวลาอ่าน 1 นาที

Inside Sunpu Park in the heart of Shizuoka City, Momiji-yama Garden is a compact but exquisitely landscaped traditional stroll garden. Laid out around a large ornamental carp pond, it features a miniature Mount Fuji overlooking tiered bushes that resemble a tea plantation, a forest waterfall, and a teahouse where for a few hundred yen you can enjoy tea and sweets.

Open from 9:00am to 4:30pm on Tuesday to Sunday, entrance costs just ¥150: it's a cheap price to pay to enter such an oasis of calm, where you can escape the bustle of the city and rest your feet, mind and heart.

Peter Sidell

Peter Sidell @peter.sidell

I came to Japan from Manchester, England in 2003, and have travelled a lot since then, around Japan and in Asia. When I'm not working, I write satire and perform stand-up comedy in and around Tokyo. Check YouTube for a taste.