Colorful shops are the main tourist atraction in Harajuku (Photo: Kasia Szumna)

Harajuku Fashion Show

Check out new trends and see the craziest outfits

Kasia Szumna   - ใช้เวลาอ่าน 1 นาที

Tokyo is known for its out-of-this-world street fashion. Harajuku is the place where you can surely find the most different styles and the weirdest outfits.

There are shops with all kinds of clothes you can imagine. Most popular is kawaii stuff meaning all kinds of cute clothing, food, toys and accessories. Other stores go to the opposite extreme selling gothic, grunge and punk items.The best thing about this place is that it is socially acceptable to have a completely crazy style. The more accessories the better. When visiting Tokyo you should definitely go to Harajuku and see this insane fashion show.

For a more detailed guide to the particular styles from Tokyo streets, see here. For news on trends, street fashion pictures and shop openings, visit this website.

Kasia Szumna

Kasia Szumna @katarzynakasia.szumna

Unique Japanese culture and its stunning art had always have a special place in Kasia's heart. She is a photographer and a writer and has experience managing her own website, creating content and social media promotion. She lived and worked in Poland, UK, Spain, Indonesia, Japan and Australia. F...