The British Consular Residence is just next to Minato-no-mieru-oka Koen Park (Photo: Tomoko Kamishima)

British Consular Residence

Yokohama Yamate’s Western Houses-7

Tomoko Kamishima   - ใช้เวลาอ่าน 1 นาที

The reinforced concrete building next to Minato-no-mieru-oka Koen Park used to be the British Consular Residence in Yokohama. It was built in 1937. Various kinds of roses and other flowers adorn the premises throughout the year. A wide porte-cochere is stately and beautiful. The Christmas decorations inside the residence are quite refined. I also love the elegant interiors of this residence. An index of this series is here.

Tomoko Kamishima

Tomoko Kamishima @tomoko.kamishima

Japan is a small island nation, but we have a huge number of surprising things to discover here. Many of these delights can be found when you step off the main street onto small side paths. I really enjoy studying about and researching various aspects of traditional Japanese culture, and then sha...