The Mt. Rakan crags and Mt. Takagi from above (Photo: Tristan Scholze)

Mt. Takagi in Late Winter

Peaceful, grassy, mountainous terrain

Tristan Scholze   - ใช้เวลาอ่าน 1 นาที

Here are a few scenes you will see on the south side of Aso’s gigantic volcanic caldera in late winter. Brown is the dominant color at this time of year, with occasional patches of evergreens on carpeted hillsides and crinkly deep orange leaves still clinging to branches of scattered deciduous trees. Single-lane roads allow for a drive past the Mt. Rakan crags and up the face of Mt. Takagi, but you can also go for a pleasant stroll here. If you’re hungry afterwards, there’s an excellent French restaurant at the mountain’s forested base.

高城山—Takagiyama—Mt. Takagi

Tristan Scholze

Tristan Scholze @tristan.scholze

I'm also known as Faer Out. I love learning about people and nature. I've traveled around the world and throughout Japan, and I hope to continue seeing and experiencing the wonder of this planet as long as I live.Based in Japan for nearly two decades, I'm a Japan Travel expert for Fukuoka and Sag...